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Visit to Colombian Communities by Factor-H (February 2013)

Recently Claudia Perandones and I took our first trip to visit some the affected communities in Colombia. A map of our trip is included here. This was a very important trip for us and for all affected by HD. We met with health officials, township mayors, local patient representatives (Janeth Mosquera and Mariela Campo), and many […]

Factor-H visit to Familia Oviedo Oviedo in the news

Recently Factor-H visited Colombia (February 2013). During this visit, we went to meet the Family Oviedo Oviedo from the town of El Dificil, Magadalena. The local TV news station, El Caracol, filmed a documentary on the family and our humanitarian projects. We were accompanied by the local patient association representative, Mariela Campo, and Janeth Mosquera […]