Program “Abrazos”

Program “Abrazos” is an ongoing program in Colombia since 2015 (40 children as of 2020), and also in Venezuela since 2019 (120 children as of 2020). This program covers basic assistance – food, clothes, school supplies, dental and medical access. Additionally, program covers recreational and educational events every 6 months (Christmas and summer holidays events […]

Caregivers Training Program (In person and App)

Factor-H has established formal collaborations with the University of Antioquia and the University of Medellín in Medellín (State of Antioquia), and the University Metropolitana (Barranquilla, State of Atlántico) to assist caregivers and the patients we directly support in Colombia (currently >130 families). Our employees work only in defined regions of Colombia and we are presently […]