Remembering 2022HDLatam Congress: The video opening by Gindel Delgado
Emmy nominated cinematographer, Gindel Delgado, traveled across HD communities once more to gather images of people he already knows well. They welcomed his camera into their homes and their lives aware of the fact that he and Factor-h -who commissioned his work- will help to create awareness of their situation and will help them one […]
2022HDLatam Conferences Day 1: Ignacio Muñoz Sanjuan
From October 19 to 21, Factor-h organized in Barranquilla, Colombia, the 2022 Huntington Latin American Conference with the presence of 35 speakers among them scientists, researchers, experts in different health fields, HD associations, patients, and families. In his Welcome conference on the 19th, Factor-h’s President and founder, neuroscientist Ignacio Muñoz Sanjuan, presented the guidelines and […]