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Healthcare activities in Venezuela

Health ‘on board’ for Barranquitas It is exciting to see the joy and willingness with which our volunteers and community service go to the health activities we organize in both Barranquitas and San Luis, which Factor-H and Habitat LUZ organize quarterly to care for the families afflicted with, or at-risk for,  Huntington’s disease. So, when […]

Fundación Cinco Palabras supports Factor-H Programs in Venezuela

Factor-H coordinates a Social Program in Venezuela for the improvement of the quality of life for individuals and families with Huntington’s disease (HD) in the towns of Barranquitas -Rosario de Perijá Municipality- and the area of the community of San Luis, in the city of Maracaibo, San Francisco Municipality, both in the state of Zulia […]

Gratitude day 2024 – The Candle Light Vigil

The week of Gratitude day, 23rd of March, has seen an inclusion of community events inside the HD communities of San Luis and Barranquitas. The celebration of the partnership between scientists and HD families has taken an unexpected turn this year and also became a celebration of the history of these communities who gave so […]

Factor-H September 2023 trip to the Maracaibo HD communities​

From September 6-14, 2023, Factor-H visited the HD communities in Barranquitas and San Luis and conducted medical, educational and humanitarian activities with volunteers and affiliated organizations. Below you can see a video summarizing the trip and a detailed diary of our visit. Text by Marina Gonzalez de Kauffman & Ignacio Muñoz-Sanjuán Video by Gindel Delgado; […]

Venezuela: 2022 Holidays

Today, Monday December 26, 2022, was a beautiful day in San Luis, in Maracaibo. Everything started early today … the work of shopping for the Christmas events, packing, and ordering everything to get it organized for all the children we sponsor. Then, we packed our truck, filled to the brim like our hearts today as […]

Dancing with Art

Carmen arrived very quietly and took a seat at a table with a huge blank piece of paper, several brushes and other things that she had never used. She waited quietly, absorbed in the white of the paper, waiting for the others to take her place, and for her question to be answered: “what am […]