Today, Monday December 26, 2022, was a beautiful day in San Luis, in Maracaibo.
Everything started early today … the work of shopping for the Christmas events, packing, and ordering everything to get it organized for all the children we sponsor. Then, we packed our truck, filled to the brim like our hearts today as this is a very special time for us and for the HD families here, and we can anticipate in advance… the kids’ smiles, the feeling of community, of belonging.
With the Huntington communities’ what you imagine happens can never match what happens when you witness things for yourself, by being here and sharing your life directly with them… both for the good and, sometimes, for the bad. But this time is for the good. No doubt.
We delivered 163 bags of food for HD families that we divided into three main groups: From two to five members, from six to seven, and, finally, from 8 and more. We always adjust the deliveries to match the needs of our families. For the kids, we organized a “pintacaritas” event (painting-little-faces) and they drew cards to place at the Christmas tree making it beautiful and personal.
Our little truck will be bringing to Barranquitas food and gifts tomorrow. The food will be distributed the same day but we will give the gifts after Christmas