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Uniqure’s AMT-130 Phase 1/2 trial – a reflection

Yesterday, Uniqure reported on the 24-month results of their Phase 1/2 clinical trial with AMT-130, a viral gene therapy trial for HTT lowering for the treatment of HD. See the links to the press release and investor call slides.  I wanted to review some aspects of the claims made by Uniqure, and put them in the […]

State of Therapeutic Programs

From a gene mutation to a lethal disease HD is caused by a single mutation in a region of the HTT gene, located at the beginning of the gene (in exon 1), which contains a repeat sequence comprised of CAG repeats; in the normal range, people have between 17-22 repeats on average; in HD individuals, […]

Reflections on a visit to Zulia

Team work and scientific education Every year, Factor-H Vice President Roger Cachope and I visit the Colombian & Venezuelan communities at least once, and over time we have developed a close relationship with many of the HD families we support. These visits are particularly important for me, because they allow me to see first-hand where […]

The Legal Assistance program in Colombia

Factor-H offers a free-of-charge legal assistance service in Colombia, with the sole objective of facilitating access to the services, medicines and supplies that the Colombian State ensures to all patients affected by Huntington’s disease. Factor-H aims to assist all HD families with navigating the complex landscape of accessing medical benefits & medications, which often can […]

2024 Gratitude Day – a celebration of community

Gratitude day 2024 brings hope to Venezuela The importance of the contributions of the Venezuelan families to HD research and disease understanding cannot be minimized, even with the passing of time. The journey of these families in advancing our scientific and medical work started in the 1970s, after the presentation of Dr. Avila-Girón in 1972 […]

HD in the News: EHDN March Newsletter

In the recent EHDN Newsletter, Factor-H work is featured in two articles – the first launches the 2024 Gratitude Day campaign; the second is by Alex Fisher, who tells her story of coming to Venezuela and the work she is conducting together with Factor-H & Habitat LUZ in Maracaibo to launch a comprehensive caregiver program […]

Gratitude Day: Celebrating the Anniversary of the Discovery of the Huntingtin Gene

Gratitude Day Donations! See a summary video of Factor-H and collaborators programs in Venezuela in 2023 On March 23, 1993, a landmark Cell article was published, describing that the mutation in the gene responsible for Huntington’s disease had been identified for the first time. This discovery was possible thanks to the collaboration between scientists from […]

Health campaign to support the HD community in Algarrobo, Colombia

The Health Day, conducted on September 26, 2023, was aimed at children and adolescents belonging to the EH community in Algarrobo in the department of Magdalena, as a collaboration between Factor-H, the University Metropolitana (Barranquilla), University Area Andina (Valledupar), Colegio el Carmen and GREMCAN S.A. (a Colombian occupational heath NGO). The Universidad Metropolitana volunteer department […]