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CHDI conference session V – clinical updates from Uniqure AMT-130 program

David Cooper David Cooper from Uniqure spoke about the current status and future plan for the first gene therapy trial for HD involving an AAV5 expressing a microRNA targeting HTT human exon-1 sequences, termed AMT-130. David described the preclinical work conducted to support the clinical trial data, in work that is largely published. Ongoing studies […]

CHDI Conference Session V – Clinical trial updates

Drs. Lauren Boak and Peter McColgan (Roche) Drs. Lauren Boak and Peter McColgan discussed additional results from the tominersen Generation-HD1 phase III trial. Lauren spoke about the on-treatment and post-treatment effects of tominersen, both during the Phase III study and other studies involving this drug, with the focus of dose selection and patient population for […]

CHDI Conference Session IV – Drs. Jim Rosinski and Aline Delva

Jim Rosinski Jim Rosinski from the CHDI Foundation spoke about the -omics strategy at CHDI Foundation to identify early biomarkers of disease progression, with a focus today on the early analysis of the CSF and plasma samples derived from the HD Clarity study using the Somalogics platform. The goal of the strategy is to apply […]