CHDI conference session V – clinical updates from Uniqure AMT-130 program
David Cooper David Cooper from Uniqure spoke about the current status and future plan for the first gene therapy trial for HD involving an AAV5 expressing a microRNA targeting HTT human exon-1 sequences, termed AMT-130. David described the preclinical work conducted to support the clinical trial data, in work that is largely published. Ongoing studies […]
CHDI Conference Session V – Clinical trial updates
Drs. Lauren Boak and Peter McColgan (Roche) Drs. Lauren Boak and Peter McColgan discussed additional results from the tominersen Generation-HD1 phase III trial. Lauren spoke about the on-treatment and post-treatment effects of tominersen, both during the Phase III study and other studies involving this drug, with the focus of dose selection and patient population for […]
CHDI Conference Session IV – Drs. Peter McColgan & Jonas Dorn (Roche), Sarah Tabrizi & Jeff Long
Peter McColgan & Jonas Dorn Peter McColgan from Roche spoke about the digital monitoring of cognitive and motor symptoms from the longitudinal study Generation HD1 in the tominersen trials. Peter described the digital monitoring platform employed during this therapeutic study (n=798 individuals). The platform was also used in the natural history study and open label […]
CHDI Conference Session IV – Drs. Jim Rosinski and Aline Delva
Jim Rosinski Jim Rosinski from the CHDI Foundation spoke about the -omics strategy at CHDI Foundation to identify early biomarkers of disease progression, with a focus today on the early analysis of the CSF and plasma samples derived from the HD Clarity study using the Somalogics platform. The goal of the strategy is to apply […]