Youth of course!! ​

They are the future. The seeds and the forest. The whole Amazonia. You plant hope in an adult ant it means everything. But. But you plant hope in a kid, and you transform the future in an exponential kind of thermonuclear way. That’s why. Because of the atomic power kids have to change the future.

Right!! Of course! So,… how we do it???

Factor-H has worked to provide opportunities for children at-risk for HD or suffering from juvenile HD for many years. We provide medical & dental care, educational support, school supplies, clothes, and food via a sponsorship program. In addition, we conduct recreational trips and workshops to strengthen their resilience, while fomenting a community of friends who can support one another.


Programa Nuevos Horizontes/New Horizons

Sponsoring kids at-risk for HD

The Abrazos Program started in Colombia since 2015 & in Venezuela since 2019. In 2021, we expanded this program to include more children and split the program based on age. This newly structured program is called ‘New Horizons’ and includes several distinct strategies tailored for children or adolescents. The first program covers children between the ages of 3-12 , and a new program covers adolescents between 13-18 years of age. Both programs currently supports over 250 children living in conditions of vulnerability in Colombia & Venezuela.


Educational Strategies for youth

In-person and online educational events focused on at-risk youth, regardless of socio-economic context. The program includes psychological support, social media campaigns, education about Huntington’s and covid-19, tailored to specific ages. This program is conducted in collaboration with UniMetro and Funmart.


Little Schools Program


Informal schooling for at-risk children living in extreme vulnerability. Program started in Barranquitas, Venezuela, in 2020. Currently 12 children receive classes 5 days a week, 4 hours a day. Program covers school supplies and food.


More news about what we do together in "Youth"...