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Un manual, ayudas técnicas y asistencia tecnológica

El CETRAM (Centro de Trastornos del Movimiento) de Chile, con financiamiento de SENADIS, presentó una segunda edición del Manual que ofrece, un paso a paso, para la fabricación de ayudas técnicas y asistencias tecnológicas de bajo costo y alta efectividad para el apoyo al desempeño en las actividades de la vida diaria de personas en […]

Una Carta Magna para la WEB

Factor-H is commited to be part of a WEB more inclusive and free. In this wonderful talk, one of the Web founders talks about the past, present and future of the Web in a way that is relevant for all of us. Factor-H is undergoing a migration to Microsoft 365 in order to better collaborate […]

M365: Un pasito hacia una Constitución para el mundo

Microsoft 365

Primero una Web, ahora una nueva forma de comunicar y colaborar… Son algo más de las 7 de la mañana en este pequeño y bellísimo pueblo de la Costa Brava donde vivo. Para quienes hayan oido hablar de él, está en Gerona en España y tiene una pequeña muralla alrededor del antiguo pueblo de piedra. […]

Video: Last day of the year donation…

Today is the day. 2021 has not been an easy year. But for people with HD in Latin America things were much more difficult. We end the year with a last-day donation campaign based on hope. The hope we bring together to the HD families from South America. Emmy Award nominee journalist & Factor-H collaborator […]

Huntington’s disease: the pope steps in to help raise awareness

It was with the pomp and intrigue of a Dan Brown novel that earlier this month Pope Francis made his way into the Aula Paolo VI audience hall, a room the size of an aeroplane hangar in Vatican City. Flanked by the flamboyant Swiss Guard and dark-suited men muttering into earpieces, he headed for an […]

El papa consuela a enfermos de Huntington

El papa francisco recibió en una audiencia especial a unos quinientos enfermos de Huntington acompañados de sus familias y benefactores. Según especialistas, esta enfermedad que no tiene cura tiene mayor incidencia en América Latina. Por Natalia Mendoza, CNN Español Publicado a las 15:45 ET (19:45 GMT) 23 mayo, 2017 VER NOTICIA

Little Schools Program ​(Escuelita) in Barranquitas, Venezuela

The current objective of this educational intervention is to standardize the learning of children at risk of HD not enrolled in school so that they can be inserted or reinserted into the official formal educational structure. We began this program in 2020 and following a short discontinuation due to the covid-19 pandemic, we continue this […]

Support communities involved in disease studies

Lack of continued help for poor families involved in Huntington’s-disease research has sown resentment and mistrust, says Ignacio Muñoz-Sanjuan. By Ignacio Muñoz-Sanjuan After decades of research, a genetic therapy for Huntington’s disease is being tested in clinical trials. Sponsored by Swiss pharmaceutical firm Roche and US-based Ionis Pharmaceuticals, this trial targets the gene that causes […]

Program “Abrazos”

Program “Abrazos” is an ongoing program in Colombia since 2015 (40 children as of 2020), and also in Venezuela since 2019 (120 children as of 2020). This program covers basic assistance – food, clothes, school supplies, dental and medical access. Additionally, program covers recreational and educational events every 6 months (Christmas and summer holidays events […]