Factor-H President is interviewed for the Rare Disease Advisor
On November 5th, Larry Luxner, journalist and senior correspondent for the Rare Disease Advisor network, interviewed Dr. Ignacio Muñoz-Sanjuan about Factor-H work in Latin America.
On November 5th, Larry Luxner, journalist and senior correspondent for the Rare Disease Advisor network, interviewed Dr. Ignacio Muñoz-Sanjuan about Factor-H work in Latin America.
Factor-H ofrece un servicio de asistencia legal gratuita en Colombia, con el único objetivo de facilitar el acceso a los servicios, medicamentos e insumos que
On November 07, 2024, Factor-H will host a fundraising event in Los Angeles to support our ongoing programs in Latin America. Factor-H is proud to
What a week it has been! Factor-H is again recognized for its public service to underserved Latin American HD families at the International Congress of
Factor-H ‘La Luz’ Caregivers program wins the 2024 Amgen/MIT Solve award at the Concordia Summit We are extremely honored and humbled by this award, which
We are honored to be 1 of 5 finalist nonprofit organizations being nominated for this prestigious award, selected out of 90 applicant organizations. The award
Fator-H é uma marca registrada 501(c)3 fundação sem fins lucrativos nos Estados Unidos (EIN 82-5395108)