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New article about Colombia and Factor-H in the Lancet Neurology

New article about Colombia and Factor-H in the Lancet Neurology

Dara Mohammadi just wrote a final piece from the trip we took together to Colombia in April 2016. You can find the pdf of the article here: HD Colombia Lancet Also read about Enroll-HD efforts here: Please note that even though efforts to initiate Enroll-HD are underway in Colombia,…
Article by Monica Roa - a lawyer working with Factor-H to protect the rights of the patients in Colombia

Article by Monica Roa - a lawyer working with Factor-H to protect the rights of the patients in Colombia

A couple of months ago, I met Monica Roa in Washington DC to discus whether we could team up to deal with the issues facing many of the Colombian families – the lack of institutional and government support, the refusal by many of the insurance companies (called EPS in Colombia)…
Huntington’s disease: the new gene therapy that sufferers cannot afford

Huntington’s disease: the new gene therapy that sufferers cannot afford

As the small motorboat chugs to a halt, three travellers, wind-beaten from the three-hour journey along the Atrato river, step on to the muddy banks of Bellavista, an otherwise inaccessible town in the heart of the heavily forested north-west of Colombia. They swing their hessian bags – stuffed with bedsheets, dried…

Articulo sobre Juan de Acosta en Colombia

La poblacion de la EH de Juan de Acosta es una de las poblaciones mas grandes del mundo en cuanto a prevalencia de la enfermedad. Hace algo mas de un año visite a esta comunidad en Colombia, donde me reuni con el Dr. Daza, el neurologo que llevaba tratando a…

Factor-H and HD in Latin America in The Lancet Neurology

Recently, Adrian Burton, a medical writer, published an article about HD in Latin America which focused largely on the efforts of Factor_H in this continent. You can download the article by clicking on the link below. Enjoy reading it! The Lancet article  

Factor-H in the Argentinian news...

Please read the article below, when we launched Factor-H in Argentina… article featuring Ignacio  Munoz-Sanjuan, Claudia Perandones, and Charles Sabine (an HD carrier), published in the Clarin newspaper following an interview in Buenos Aires. Clarin Article