Donations of school supplies in Colombia - Kids program

Donations of school supplies in Colombia - Kids program

By Arnel Arroyo Díaz We celebrate another milestone in our mission to support the most vulnerable HD communities! We are proud to share that we have once again delivered school kits to families afflicted with Huntington’s disease in more than 10 municipalities on the Colombian Caribbean coast. This effort has…
Health campaign to support the HD community in Algarrobo, Colombia

Health campaign to support the HD community in Algarrobo, Colombia

The Health Day, conducted on September 26, 2023, was aimed at children and adolescents belonging to the EH community in Algarrobo in the department of Magdalena, as a collaboration between Factor-H, the University Metropolitana (Barranquilla), University Area Andina (Valledupar), Colegio el Carmen and GREMCAN S.A. (a Colombian occupational heath NGO).…
Mayor of Juan de Acosta in Colombia meets Factor-H's president to discuss the availability of a space for HD patients and their community

Mayor of Juan de Acosta in Colombia meets Factor-H's president to discuss the availability of a space for HD patients and their community

On April 10, 2023, the President of Factor-H, Ignacio Muñoz-Sanjuan, and members of the management team in Colombia, met with Carlos Manuel Higgins Villanueva, mayor of Juan de Acosta, to discuss the management of a municipal space by Factor-H, which aims to serve as an operations center for the services…
Trabajar para Factor-H: la dignidad que nos cura

Trabajar para Factor-H: la dignidad que nos cura

Hace unos días hubo una emergencia en Colombia. Desde España oigo como Nacho me cuenta desde Los Ángeles que acababan de estar “apagando un fuego”. Su nombre es Nelson, y es querido. Ha tenido una recaída. Es como si una pequeña red invisible e infinita nos uniera a todos. No…
The hidden work of Factor-H - the story of Nelson

The hidden work of Factor-H - the story of Nelson

Nelson Echeverría is 49 years old and he is one of the HD individuals we assist. He is a wonderful person and always receives our social workers with a big smile. He lives in the outskirts of the town of Saco in the Atlántico department in Northern Colombia. He lives…
Visiting Colombia after the pandemic

Visiting Colombia after the pandemic

Finally the Factor-H team got together in Colombia in April 2022, after a hiatus of two and a half years. During the trip, Ignacio Muñoz and Roger Cachope went to visit the families and kids we support on the Caribbean states, and spent 8 days traveling from town to town…
New video of the kids program in Colombia

New video of the kids program in Colombia

Our New Horizons program continues to evolve. Through a house-by-house survey we conducted in 2021, we have identified many more kids at-risk for HD living in very difficult conditions. This video clearly displays the environmental context in which many of the kids enrolled in the program since 2015 live, many…
In memory of our beloved Maria Fernanda Soto Santris

In memory of our beloved Maria Fernanda Soto Santris

The entire Factor-H team and families in the Abrazos Program mourn the passing of our beloved Maria Fernanda Soto Santris, 16, part of our HD community in Colombia. The second of three sisters, Maria Fernanda belonged to the Abrazos Program (at-risk for HD kids) for 4 years and had recently…
In Solidarity and Gratitude

In Solidarity and Gratitude

Helping in the time of COVID-19 We all know that the most vulnerable sectors of any society are always the worst hit in times of crisis. The arrival of the novel coronavirus has isolated our communities even further. The most vulnerable sectors of any society are always the worst-hot in times of…
Project Abrazos completes 5 years bringing hope to kids at risk for HD

Project Abrazos completes 5 years bringing hope to kids at risk for HD

The project ‘Abrazos’ (Hugs) started in 2015 and it aims to provide donations for children in Colombia and Venezuela living in families affected by HD and in extreme poverty conditions. Their family situation is dire and many of the kids have been abandoned by one of their parents. Often times,…