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Diary of a Dr. from Maracaibo in Barcelona / Diario de un Dr. de Maracaibo en Barcelona (II)

Diary of a Dr. from Maracaibo in Barcelona / Diario de un Dr. de Maracaibo en Barcelona (II)

Getting acquinted with Barcelona. / Conociendo y adaptándome a Barcelona. To be in Barcelona is to be in a multicultural city. After the restrictions with Covid-19, little by little the city has opened its doors to thousands of tourists who visit it every day and, therefore, I have been able…
Diary of a Dr. from Maracaibo in Barcelona / Diario de un Dr. de Maracaibo en Barcelona (I)

Diary of a Dr. from Maracaibo in Barcelona / Diario de un Dr. de Maracaibo en Barcelona (I)

Dr. Rey Varela is a recipient of an EHDN fellowship and the first physician to receive training in HD centers in Barcelona as part of the LA PEP program. Dr. Varela is a psychiatrist from Maracaibo, and a staff member of Factor-H who has been caring for the patients of…
The LA PEP Program: the first recipient from Maracaibo starts training in Barcelona

The LA PEP Program: the first recipient from Maracaibo starts training in Barcelona

The LA PEP program (Latin American Professional Exchange Program) got started a week ago! This program aims to identify aspiring young health professionals working in the HD communities we serve, and facilitate fellowships for them to get training experience at leading HD institutions and hospitals in Spain, Colombia, and Chile.…
The Latin American Professional Exchange Program (LA PEP)

The Latin American Professional Exchange Program (LA PEP)

The LA PEP program’s main objective is to provide educational opportunities to health professionals that work in Latin American enclaves with a high incidence of Huntington’s disease. Health & Disease Management is one of the main areas of focus of Factor-H and one of the main programs is what we call LA…