2022HDLatam Conferences Day 1-C2: Dr. Claudia Perandones

2022HDLatam Conferences Day 1-C2: Dr. Claudia Perandones

From October 19 to 21, Factor-h organized in Barranquilla, Colombia, the 2022 Huntington Latin American Conference with the presence of 35 speakers, among them scientists, researchers, experts in different health fields, HD associations, patients, and families. In her conference on the 19th, Factor-h’s co-founder Dra. Claudia Perandones, spoke about the “Relevance of…
2022HDLatam Conferences Day 1: Ignacio Muñoz Sanjuan

2022HDLatam Conferences Day 1: Ignacio Muñoz Sanjuan

From October 19 to 21, Factor-h organized in Barranquilla, Colombia, the 2022 Huntington Latin American Conference with the presence of 35 speakers among them scientists, researchers, experts in different health fields, HD associations, patients, and families. In his Welcome conference on the 19th, Factor-h’s President and founder, neuroscientist Ignacio Muñoz…
New campaign to sponsor kids growing up in vulnerable HD families in Colombia

New campaign to sponsor kids growing up in vulnerable HD families in Colombia

Today we started a new campaign to help children living with HD in Colombia. see attached link please and spread the word! to Donate, please click here for Project Abrazos for HD Also see an explanation of the program. Thank you and I hope that together we can help these…

Huntington's Month in Argentina - and a concert to celebrate it!

Claudia has managed to stage an impressive array of meetings during the month of May to celebrate the people affected by Huntington’s disease in Argentina. Part of this calendar of activities include a symposium to expose the social and medical issues affecting people suffering from HD. Both Claudia and I,…

Brenda's story

Brenda’s Story – as told by Claudia Perandones from Buenos Aires, Argentina I have a patient, called Daniel L., with Huntington’s disease, who is in a delicate condition because he can no longer move by himself and has to be fed by means of a gastrostomy tube. Daniel has a…

Factor-H in the Argentinian news...

Please read the article below, when we launched Factor-H in Argentina… article featuring Ignacio  Munoz-Sanjuan, Claudia Perandones, and Charles Sabine (an HD carrier), published in the Clarin newspaper following an interview in Buenos Aires. Clarin Article  

Factor_H launches in Mendoza, Argentina

Official launch event for Factor-H in Mendoza, Argentina The official launch of Factor_H took place in the Sheraton hotel in Mendoza, Argentina, on October 12, 2012. The event included a seminar by Charles Sabine (see links here for youtube videos of his HD seminars; link), a friend and collaborator who…