Factor-H President receives the 2024 Public Service Award from the MDS

Factor-H President receives the 2024 Public Service Award from the MDS

What a week it has been! Factor-H is again recognized for its public service to underserved Latin American HD families at the International Congress of the Movement Disorder Society (MDS), the largest international clinical organization dedicated to clinical practice for movement disorders.  More than 4500 people from 100 countries are…
Actress Carmen Navarro, "La Conejo" in the TV show La Reina del Sur, gives explicit support to families with HD in Latin America

Actress Carmen Navarro, "La Conejo" in the TV show La Reina del Sur, gives explicit support to families with HD in Latin America

Actress Carmen Navarro, "La Conejo" in the TV show La Reina del Sur, gives explicit support to families with HD in Latin America
FACTOR-H Joins Efforts for Huntington’s Awareness Month

FACTOR-H Joins Efforts for Huntington’s Awareness Month

May is the worldwide month to make people aware of Huntington disease and, today, Factor-H joints these efforts to help people understand the disease better, particularly on May 15

Un manual, ayudas técnicas y asistencia tecnológica

El CETRAM (Centro de Trastornos del Movimiento) de Chile, con financiamiento de SENADIS, presentó una segunda edición del Manual que ofrece, un paso a paso, para la fabricación de ayudas técnicas y asistencias tecnológicas de bajo costo y alta efectividad para el apoyo al desempeño en las actividades de la…

Una Carta Magna para la WEB

Factor-H is commited to be part of a WEB more inclusive and free. In this wonderful talk, one of the Web founders talks about the past, present and future of the Web in a way that is relevant for all of us. Factor-H is undergoing a migration to Microsoft 365…
M365: Un pasito hacia una Constitución para el mundo

M365: Un pasito hacia una Constitución para el mundo

Primero una Web, ahora una nueva forma de comunicar y colaborar… Son algo más de las 7 de la mañana en este pequeño y bellísimo pueblo de la Costa Brava donde vivo. Para quienes hayan oido hablar de él, está en Gerona en España y tiene una pequeña muralla alrededor…

Visiting the Colombian and Venezuelan communities

Dear all – I am sure you are all aware of the importance of the Maracaibo communities in Venezuela for HD research. The incredible milestone of identifying the Huntingtin gene was possible because of the cooperation of the peoples of Venezuela. The large cluster in Maracaibo, the largest in the…

Happy 2013!

  JAN01 2013 Lets hope for a great 2013 for all those living with HD and those working to find treatments! This will be a critical year in the development of new therapies for HD- several new investigational treatments will enter clinical trials, including novel molecular approaches to treat HD……

Meeting in Mendoza, Argentina

below – Old blog entries from www.hdscienceblog.com here we will discuss science news relevant to HD OCT10 2012 Dear all – I am writing today from Argentina, I am here to present CHDI’s work at the second movement disorders meeting, organized by Freddy Michelli and Claudia Perandones from Argentina. Today…