JAN01 2013
Lets hope for a great 2013 for all those living with HD and those working to find treatments! This will be a critical year in the development of new therapies for HD- several new investigational treatments will enter clinical trials, including novel molecular approaches to treat HD… it will also see a close integration of the Latin American communities with the rest of the clinical networks across Europe and North America. We are a global community, and together, I have no doubts we will change the course of the disease… lets celebrate a new year in our quest for improving the lives of HD and let’s keep each other motivated to end the fatality of this disease! Happy New Year!
Factor_H together with the International Huntington Association is collecting funds to help the Latin American communities- at the moment you can wire money directly into an account for this effort. In 2013 we hope to enter into collaborations with large NGOs to work on large infrastructure and housing projects to help those most in need in Latin America… thanks for your help in advance!