Project Abrazos completes 5 years bringing hope to kids at risk for HD

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The project ‘Abrazos’ (Hugs) started in 2015 and it aims to provide donations for children in Colombia and Venezuela living in families affected by HD and in extreme poverty conditions. Their family situation is dire and many of the kids have been abandoned by one of their parents. Often times, the mothers are early-stage HD and have difficulties caring for the children.

These families typically do not have any money to buy the children clothes or toys, and all of the children lacked proper nutrition when we included them in the program. Their living conditions are difficult, usually lacking access to fresh water, electricity and living in inadequate housing. 

Factor-H works with local non-profit organizations who know these families well and will ensure the donation reaches the children (all under 15 years of age) who we have jointly selected for this project.

Your donation will bring them hope, a chance in life, and will go towards paying for school supplies, clothes, and making some of their dreams come true. We will deliver assistance for them and their families as needed. We also organize medical, dental and educational visits regularly. We want to ensure the reality they experience growing up is different from that of their affected parents and relatives. The new generation of HD kids will grow up strong and united!

Below you will find some basic facts about the program, as of 2019. We want to expand considerably as many more kids do to currently receive support. In addition, we are now starting to provide tutors for reading and writing classes for those kids who need this level of continued assistance.

The program is budgeted for $100k per year to include learning camps and reading classes, as an extension to our current offerings.

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