(Conference below)
From October 19 to 21, Factor-h organized in Barranquilla, Colombia, the 2022 Huntington Latin American Conference with the presence of 35 speakers, among them scientists, researchers, experts in different health fields, HD associations, patients, and families. In his conference on October 20h, Vladimir Marcano, a Venezuelan documentary photographer (1971) published “El Mal” a photography book where he captured the ravages of caused for Huntington Disease in Barranquitas, a Venezuelan fishing village on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, marked by alarming poverty and genetic illness since the village is a major focus of HD.
After the publication, he began collaborating with Factor-H on different projects and has become a Factor-H photographer in Venezuela. At the conference, there was an exhibition with life-size prints of young kids at-risk for HD and pictures of people already affected by the disease, living in conditions of extreme vulnerability.
At the Conference, he explained his creative process and his ongoing relationship with the HD Community.