Matt Rota is an illustrator who has recently become associated with our kids’ program at Factor-H. Below are some of the illustrations he created recently for some poems I wrote about the kids to commemorate the completion of the 5th year of the program in Colombia. What began as an attempt to help a few kids in San Angel, Colombia, grew to support 42 kids for 5 years and now 120 kids in Venezuela (now started our third year of support).
I woke up in the middle of the night during the Christmas holidays and wrote a few poems, which I shared with our friend and colleague Matt. I shared pics from the trips I took together with the children of Colombia, and he chose a few images to represent the work we have done, and the sentiments behind the program. Below are a couple of Matt’s illustrations and the poems, and below you can see a Youtube video with all of them.
You can see Matt’s amazing artwork here: