Factor-H continues to deliver on its promises. We try to provide opportunities for families affected by HD. Sometimes, their needs require home improvement projects – they simply need nothing more than a better home to care for their family members. Slowly, one by one, Factor-H is raising the funds necessary to improve their living conditions.
Sometimes it’s through a micro credit that enables the families to obtain income; sometimes it’s through raising funds to build new homes, or remodel the existing ones. We remain committed to helping each and every family we meet. It might take time to achieve our goals, but we remain steadfast in our commitment to support them.
Please see two videos below about two families in Colombia, whom we helped raise funds via Donor See, to remodel their existing homes. Please check this website for other projects we hope to finance.
The videos were shot by our dedicated social agent, Arnel Arroyo Diaz.
Thank you again for making their dreams, and ours, a reality.