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The hidden work of Factor-H – the story of Nelson

Nelson Echeverría is 49 years old and he is one of the HD individuals we assist. He is a wonderful person and always receives our social workers with a big smile. He lives in the outskirts of the town of Saco in the Atlántico department in Northern Colombia. He lives in very impoverished conditions and his family lacks any type of transport.

This last Saturday, Nelson lost consciousness and his family contacted our social workers for help via phone. In the early hours of the morning our staff took him to a local hospital and was then transferred to a larger hospital where we was treated adequately. On Monday, Nelson returned home to his family – the medical team recommended we help him by purchasing an anti-bedsores mattress, a comfortable reclining chair, hydrating cream, and to get his bed conditioned to avoid hitting himself or falling from the bed due to his movements. Without our assistance, his family cannot afford to buy these essential items.

Factor-H has established emergency assistance programs for situations like this in every country we work in- and through our social workers, we always react promptly to help. We purchased all the recommended items, as well as diapers, towels, pillows, nutritional support, among other items. We continue to follow up with Nelson and his family to ensure he recovers promptly.

These stories are typical of the communities were we work. They have nowhere else to seek help, and no one to turn to. This is what Factor-h does. Often times, we don’t comment on these types of situations. But we are now. Without the support from donations, we cannot afford to help individuals like Nelson and his family. Our work goes beyond providing medications and neurological visits. Many poor families need assistance with their loved ones urgently, and we try to be there for them.

We know most people donate to research. but a little money goes a long way to help someone in desperate situation get the urgent help they sometimes need. Consider supporting us.

Nelson is brought home to his humble home after being released from hospital

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