Barrio San Luis is a neighborhood in Maracaibo, Zulia.
Of approximately 3100 people living here, 700 are at risk (23%). The prevalence is estimated to be extremely high, perhaps reaching 10% of all people living in this small and confined area near the city of Maracaibo. During our February/March 2013 visit we met with local caregivers and health workers. We visited a field where we could potentially help build a local hospice and youth center. Neither the local hospital nor the Casa Hogar (founded by Dr. Nancy Wexler) can accomodate all the patients suffering from HD. There is a great need for housing and medical care, in addition to basic needs. Many of the local youth suffer from discrimination, lack of social outlets, and proper professional training.
Pictures taken during our recent visit in March 2013. The picture (lower left panel) shows Dr. Claudia Perandones, Dr. Roberto Weiser, myself, Aleska Gonzalez (Avenhun), Dr. Olmedo Ferrer, and other members of Avenhun, bringing bags of food and basic essentials (soap, detergent, diapers) to some of the affected families.