Final delivery of donations for AcolpEH in 2016

Janeth Mosquera and her team at AcolpEH work tirelessly for the benefit of the families living wiht HD in Bogota, Medellin and Choco, among other regions of Colombia.Factor-H has been working with AcolpEH for over 3 years now. One of the programs we started a couple of years ago was…

Clothes get delivered to communities in need - thank you friends for supporting Factor-H efforts

Finally, we were able to donate more than 500 pounds of clothes for the Colombian communities. DHL sent the boxes free of charge to Factor-H, courtesy of Conexion Colombia, an NGO who financed the shipment. The clothes were sent to El Dificil (Magdalena State), Juan de Acosta, Bogota, Medellin, and…