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First home renovation project completed in Medellin with the help of Acolpeh and Habitat for Humanity!

In April 2014, the first home renovation project started in Medellin, as a collaborative project between Factor-H, Habitat for Humanity, and Acolpeh. Together we raised over US$8000 through the Habitat web site, and together we identified a few families in need of improved housing conditions. The first project took 3…

Clothes get delivered to communities in need - thank you friends for supporting Factor-H efforts

Finally, we were able to donate more than 500 pounds of clothes for the Colombian communities. DHL sent the boxes free of charge to Factor-H, courtesy of Conexion Colombia, an NGO who financed the shipment. The clothes were sent to El Dificil (Magdalena State), Juan de Acosta, Bogota, Medellin, and…

Articulo sobre Juan de Acosta en Colombia

La poblacion de la EH de Juan de Acosta es una de las poblaciones mas grandes del mundo en cuanto a prevalencia de la enfermedad. Hace algo mas de un año visite a esta comunidad en Colombia, donde me reuni con el Dr. Daza, el neurologo que llevaba tratando a…

clothes donated by Factor-H arrive in the communities in Colombia

500 pounds (300+ kilograms) of donated clothes have arrived at several communities in Colombia. Thanks to the Conexion Colombia NGO ( , all the donated clothes Factor-H collected in Los Angeles have made it to their destinations. This is the first ‘international’ shipment of donated goods to benefit the Colombian…


  NOV 06 2013 PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION. Habitat for humanity and Factor-H, my other ‘job’, started a collaboration together with the Colombian family association (AcolpEH), to raise funds for patients living in suboptimal conditions in Colombia. Find the link here: We are very behind, and we need…

Visit to Feira Grande

We just visited the Brazilian community in Feira Grande, in northern Brazil.

New center opens in Santiago!

Dear all- today marks a historic day in the solidarity with the patients and their families in Chile and in all of Latinamerica- the Chilean HD association together with its collaborators have inugurated a center for the care of people affected with HD. Claudia Perandones attended the opening ceremony in…

Barranquitas, Maracaibo

Population: 6.264 in census – Regional Health System. 76  HD families identified, 13 families with more than 1 member affected (total current HD manifest individuals = 98). A full census is ongoing through local patient association (Avenhun Zulia). estimated prevalence for at-risk individuals is 1-5% of the total population. Needs:…

Barrio San Luis, Maracaibo

Barrio San Luis is a neighborhood in Maracaibo, Zulia. Of approximately 3100 people living here, 700 are at risk (23%). The prevalence is estimated to be extremely high, perhaps reaching 10% of all people living in this small and confined area near the city of Maracaibo. During our February/March 2013…

Venezuela Areas

Venezuela remains the country with the highest density of HD in a single location, in and around lake Maracaibo, in the province of Zulia. Factor-H is committed to helping the Venezuelan HD affected communities. The main communities in Venezuela with active Factor-H efforts are in Caracas, and in the Zulia…