Mayor of Juan de Acosta in Colombia meets Factor-H's president to discuss the availability of a space for HD patients and their community

Mayor of Juan de Acosta in Colombia meets Factor-H's president to discuss the availability of a space for HD patients and their community

On April 10, 2023, the President of Factor-H, Ignacio Muñoz-Sanjuan, and members of the management team in Colombia, met with Carlos Manuel Higgins Villanueva, mayor of Juan de Acosta, to discuss the management of a municipal space by Factor-H, which aims to serve as an operations center for the services…
CASA DIGNIDAD - a day center for Barranquitas

CASA DIGNIDAD - a day center for Barranquitas

C.A.S.A DIGNIDAD – A HOUSE FOR ALL by Marina Kauffman, president of Fundación Habitat LUZ The first time I went to Barranquitas, I was impressed by the beauty of its surroundings. A hidden place, almost untouched, to which an unfinished path leads but full of visual surprises. To see lagoons…