Colombia Areas

Affected communities • Magdalena (El Difícil y San Ángel) • Juan de Acosta • Antioquía • Chocó • Bogotá Participating physicians • Dra. Natalia Costa Baena • Dra. Sonia Moreno • Dr. Oscar Bernal • Dr. Guillermo A. Monsalve Duarte • Dr. Mike Espinoza Participating community advocates Asociación Colombianos por…
Visit to Colombian Communities by Factor-H (February 2013)

Visit to Colombian Communities by Factor-H (February 2013)

Recently Claudia Perandones and I took our first trip to visit some the affected communities in Colombia. A map of our trip is included here. This was a very important trip for us and for all affected by HD. We met with health officials, township mayors, local patient representatives (Janeth Mosquera…

Factor-H visit to Familia Oviedo Oviedo in the news

Recently Factor-H visited Colombia (February 2013). During this visit, we went to meet the Family Oviedo Oviedo from the town of El Dificil, Magadalena. The local TV news station, El Caracol, filmed a documentary on the family and our humanitarian projects. We were accompanied by the local patient association representative,…

Visiting Colombia and Venezuela

Claudia Perandones (Scientific Director of the Latinamerican network for HD) and myself will be visiting several of the affected communities in the upcoming days. We will visit some of the most devastated communities in Colombia and around lake Maracaibo in Venezula from february 23 through March 3, 2013. During this…