El Programa de Asistencia Legal en Colombia

El Programa de Asistencia Legal en Colombia

Factor-H ofrece un servicio de asistencia legal gratuita en Colombia, con el único objetivo de facilitar el acceso a los servicios, medicamentos e insumos que el Estado colombiano asegura a todos los pacientes afectados por la enfermedad de Huntington. Factor-H tiene como objetivo ayudar a todas las familias con EH…
The Latin American Professional Exchange Program (LA PEP)

The Latin American Professional Exchange Program (LA PEP)

The LA PEP program’s main objective is to provide educational opportunities to health professionals that work in Latin American enclaves with a high incidence of Huntington’s disease. Health & Disease Management is one of the main areas of focus of Factor-H and one of the main programs is what we call LA…
An evidence-based clinical consensus for Latin America

An evidence-based clinical consensus for Latin America

Objectives of the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Huntington’s Disease in Latin America In 2020, Factor-h obtained a grant from Roche for a project to generate an evidence-based clinical consensus for Latin America countries. The general objective of this consensus is to approach the health problems and improve the…
CASA DIGNIDAD - a day center for Barranquitas

CASA DIGNIDAD - a day center for Barranquitas

C.A.S.A DIGNIDAD – A HOUSE FOR ALL by Marina Kauffman, president of Fundación Habitat LUZ The first time I went to Barranquitas, I was impressed by the beauty of its surroundings. A hidden place, almost untouched, to which an unfinished path leads but full of visual surprises. To see lagoons…
Art4HD Program

Art4HD Program

The beginning of Factor-H took place in Mendoza, Argentina, in 2012, and we celebrated the beginning of our journey together as a team through music and dance. A tango troupe volunteered to take us into a magical and complex journey – one that we continue to take together through our…
Program "Abrazos"

Program "Abrazos"

Program “Abrazos” is an ongoing program in Colombia since 2015 (40 children as of 2020), and also in Venezuela since 2019 (120 children as of 2020). This program covers basic assistance – food, clothes, school supplies, dental and medical access. Additionally, program covers recreational and educational events every 6 months…
Caregivers Training Program (In person and App)

Caregivers Training Program (In person and App)

Factor-H has established formal collaborations with the University of Antioquia and the University of Medellín in Medellín (State of Antioquia), and the University Metropolitana (Barranquilla, State of Atlántico) to assist caregivers and the patients we directly support in Colombia (currently >130 families). Our employees work only in defined regions of…