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Gratitude Day 2023 was a success! The gratitude day campaign was adopted by many families, patient associations, friends of HD families, clinicians and scientists working on behalf of HD families. Below you can see a video of all the social media posts from these special and caring individuals who joined…
2022HDLatam Conferences Day 2-C5: Marina González de Kaufman

2022HDLatam Conferences Day 2-C5: Marina González de Kaufman

From October 19 to 21, Factor-h organized in Barranquilla, Colombia, the 2022 Huntington Latin American Conference with the presence of 35 speakers, among them scientists, researchers, experts in different health fields, HD associations, patients, and families. In her conference on October 20th, architect Marina González de Kaufman, President of Fundación…
2022HDLatam Conferences Day 2-C4: Vladimir Marcano

2022HDLatam Conferences Day 2-C4: Vladimir Marcano

(Conference below) From October 19 to 21, Factor-h organized in Barranquilla, Colombia, the 2022 Huntington Latin American Conference with the presence of 35 speakers, among them scientists, researchers, experts in different health fields, HD associations, patients, and families. In his conference on October 20h, Vladimir Marcano, a Venezuelan documentary photographer…
Factor-H featured in the Moving Along magazine of the Movement Disorder Society

Factor-H featured in the Moving Along magazine of the Movement Disorder Society

The work Factor-H implements in Latin America is being recognized by the Movement Disorder Society, the main neurology association that deals with all aspects clinical and scientific with movement disorders. In their February 2023 issue of their magazine, Moving Along, Factor-H 2022 HD conference was highlighted. PLease take a look…
Venezuela: 2022 Holidays

Venezuela: 2022 Holidays

Today, Monday December 26, 2022, was a beautiful day in San Luis, in Maracaibo. Everything started early today … the work of shopping for the Christmas events, packing, and ordering everything to get it organized for all the children we sponsor. Then, we packed our truck, filled to the brim…
2022HDLatam Conferences Day 1-C3: Selene Capodarca - Global Project Manager for Enroll-HD

2022HDLatam Conferences Day 1-C3: Selene Capodarca - Global Project Manager for Enroll-HD

From October 19 to 21, Factor-h organized in Barranquilla, Colombia, the 2022 Huntington Latin American Conference with the presence of 35 speakers, among them scientists, researchers, experts in different health fields, HD associations, patients, and families. In her conference on the 19th, Selene Capodarca, an associate of Factor-H and the Enroll-HD Global…
2022 Latin American HD Conference:  A closing video full of smiles

2022 Latin American HD Conference: A closing video full of smiles

Gindel Delgado created a moving video for the closing of the 2022 HD Congres in Latin America, when kids from some of the affected areas in the continent give their smiles looking into the future. Many of the speakers at the Congres joined in.
2022HDLatam Conferences Day 1-C2: Dr. Claudia Perandones

2022HDLatam Conferences Day 1-C2: Dr. Claudia Perandones

From October 19 to 21, Factor-h organized in Barranquilla, Colombia, the 2022 Huntington Latin American Conference with the presence of 35 speakers, among them scientists, researchers, experts in different health fields, HD associations, patients, and families. In her conference on the 19th, Factor-h’s co-founder Dra. Claudia Perandones, spoke about the “Relevance of…
2022HDLatam Conferences Day 1: Ignacio Muñoz Sanjuan

2022HDLatam Conferences Day 1: Ignacio Muñoz Sanjuan

From October 19 to 21, Factor-h organized in Barranquilla, Colombia, the 2022 Huntington Latin American Conference with the presence of 35 speakers among them scientists, researchers, experts in different health fields, HD associations, patients, and families. In his Welcome conference on the 19th, Factor-h’s President and founder, neuroscientist Ignacio Muñoz…
Dancing with Art

Dancing with Art

Carmen arrived very quietly and took a seat at a table with a huge blank piece of paper, several brushes and other things that she had never used. She waited quietly, absorbed in the white of the paper, waiting for the others to take her place, and for her question…