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2022HDLatam Conferences Day 1: Ignacio Muñoz Sanjuan

2022HDLatam Conferences Day 1: Ignacio Muñoz Sanjuan

From October 19 to 21, Factor-h organized in Barranquilla, Colombia, the 2022 Huntington Latin American Conference with the presence of 35 speakers among them scientists, researchers, experts in different health fields, HD associations, patients, and families. In his Welcome conference on the 19th, Factor-h’s President and founder, neuroscientist Ignacio Muñoz…
Colombian Media covers the 2022 Latin American HD Congress in Barranquilla

Colombian Media covers the 2022 Latin American HD Congress in Barranquilla

News Papers like El Heraldo, with a daily circulation of 200.000 copies and around 1 million daily visits to its website, or Radio Caracol, the main national radio station of Colombia covered, among others, the 2022 Huntington Latin American Congress organized by Factor-H. El Heraldo headline Estigma social, el verdadero…
2022 Conferencia-2022-comienzan-a-llegar-conferenciantes-invitados-y-miembros-familia-factor-h

2022 Conferencia-2022-comienzan-a-llegar-conferenciantes-invitados-y-miembros-familia-factor-h

A lo largo del día de ayer, martes día 18, comenzaron a llegar conferenciantes, invitados, miembros de asociaciones, y miembros de la gran familia Factor-h, entre ellos el Presidente y Vicepresidente, los Drs. Ignacio Muñoz Sanjuan y Roger Cachope. El grupo Escenarium Events, creó un grupo de Whatsapp llamado “Prod…
2022 Latam Huntington Conference: Speakers, guests, and members of the Factor-h family begin to arrive

2022 Latam Huntington Conference: Speakers, guests, and members of the Factor-h family begin to arrive

Yesterday, Tuesday 18, throughout the day speakers, guests, members of associations, and members of the great family Factor-h began to arrive to Barranquilla for our 2022 HD Latin American Conference…  including  President and Vice President, doctors Ignacio Muñoz San Juan and Roger Cachope The Escenarium Events Group, created a WhatsApp’s group called “Prod…
Dancing with Art

Dancing with Art

Carmen arrived very quietly and took a seat at a table with a huge blank piece of paper, several brushes and other things that she had never used. She waited quietly, absorbed in the white of the paper, waiting for the others to take her place, and for her question…
Trabajar para Factor-H: la dignidad que nos cura

Trabajar para Factor-H: la dignidad que nos cura

Hace unos días hubo una emergencia en Colombia. Desde España oigo como Nacho me cuenta desde Los Ángeles que acababan de estar “apagando un fuego”. Su nombre es Nelson, y es querido. Ha tenido una recaída. Es como si una pequeña red invisible e infinita nos uniera a todos. No…
The hidden work of Factor-H - the story of Nelson

The hidden work of Factor-H - the story of Nelson

Nelson Echeverría is 49 years old and he is one of the HD individuals we assist. He is a wonderful person and always receives our social workers with a big smile. He lives in the outskirts of the town of Saco in the Atlántico department in Northern Colombia. He lives…
Actress Carmen Navarro, "La Conejo" in the TV show La Reina del Sur, gives explicit support to families with HD in Latin America

Actress Carmen Navarro, "La Conejo" in the TV show La Reina del Sur, gives explicit support to families with HD in Latin America

Actress Carmen Navarro, "La Conejo" in the TV show La Reina del Sur, gives explicit support to families with HD in Latin America
Visiting Colombia after the pandemic

Visiting Colombia after the pandemic

Finally the Factor-H team got together in Colombia in April 2022, after a hiatus of two and a half years. During the trip, Ignacio Muñoz and Roger Cachope went to visit the families and kids we support on the Caribbean states, and spent 8 days traveling from town to town…
Here is how you too can help! Thanks Ivan Angulo!

Here is how you too can help! Thanks Ivan Angulo!

Everyone can make a contribution to help those most affected by Huntington’s disease. In this brief post, we wanted to thank Dr. Iván Angulo for his commitment to rare disorder research. Iván is a former colleague of Nacho who reached out to raise funds for our Venezuelan colleagues suffering from…